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A Temporary Truce est un film américain de genre Action réalisé par D. W. Griffith avec Blanche Sweet

A Temporary Truce (1912)

A Temporary Truce
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Durée 17minutes
Réalisé par
Genres Action,    Western
Note53% 2.6857852.6857852.6857852.6857852.685785

A Temporary Truce is a 1912 American short silent Western film directed by D. W. Griffith and starring Blanche Sweet. A print of the film survives in the film archive of the Library of Congress.


Blanche Sweet

(Alice Hardy - the Prospector's Wife)
Charles Hill Mailes

(Mexican Jim)
Claire McDowell

(Mexican Jim's Wife)
Charles Gorman

(Jack Hardy - the Prospector)
W. Chrystie Miller

(The Murdered Indian / Indian on Street)
Bande annonce de A Temporary Truce

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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Genres Drame
Acteurs Mary Pickford, W. Chrystie Miller, Charles Hill Mailes, Claire McDowell, Jack Pickford, Elmer Booth
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Just before she dies, an elderly married woman stashes the horde of money she's secretly accumulated beneath the false bottom of an old shipping trunk. After her death, her husband, believing himself penniless, has to leave their old home and move in with his son's family, where he's treated with no respect or consideration. Also on the scene is a newly hired kindly young housekeeper (Mary Pickford); she and the old gentleman become close friends and eventually run away together (taking the old shipping trunk with them).
Pendant la bataille, 29minutes
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Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Action, Western
Acteurs Mae Marsh, Lillian Gish, Alfred Paget, Robert Harron, Charles Hill Mailes, Henry B. Walthall
Note60% 3.0470353.0470353.0470353.0470353.047035
Sally (Mae Marsh) and her little sister are sent to visit their three uncles in the west. Among other baggage they bring their two puppies. Melissa (Lillian Gish) is in the same stagecoach with husband and newborn baby. The uncles find the little girls amusing but tell them that the dogs must stay outside. Meanwhile, a nearby tribe of very very evil looking Indians is having a tribal dance. The puppies, left outside in a basket, run off. Sally, worried about the dogs goes outside and discovers they are gone. She follows their trail and runs into two hungry Indians who have captured them for food. There is a scuffle but her uncles arrive and intervene. Gunfire ensues and one of the Indians is left dead. The other Indian returns to the tribe to inform them and aroused by "savage hatred" they go into a war dance.