Abhirami is a 1992 Tamil drama film directed Dilip Kumar, making his directorial debut. The film features Saravanan, Sujatha and Kasthuri lead roles, with an ensemble supporting cast including Anju, Vinodhini, Rohini, Goundamani and Senthil. The film, produced by R. B. Choudary, had musical score by debutant Mano Ranjan and was released on 27 November 1992.Synopsis
Abhirami has five daughters including Dhanam (Kasthuri), Rajeshwari (Anju), Maheshwari (Vinodhini). The eldest Dhanam is a soft-spoken woman who worked as typewriter while Rajeshwari is a short-tempered woman, Maheshwari is a carefree teenager and the last two are little girls.