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Auntie Mahina: If the ancient mythology is true, the Wiki Tiki will sacrifice Manu and Snookie by throwing them into the volcano.
Daphne: Oh, no!
Fred Jones: Then we've got to climb up there and stop him.
Auntie Mahina: You must go and find the entrance to his lair and enter through the mountain. Velma start singing.
(Strums Ukulele and Singing):
When the sun day A.L.O.H.A. big wave beach is hot in 216 degrees.
Shaggy: You mean, like, through spooky caves and stuff?
Auntie Mahina: Yes, through spooky caves and stuff.
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Shaggy: Fred, could I make a suggestion?
Fred Jones: Let me guess. You wanna leave and never come back.
Shaggy: Wow, groovy. It's like you read my mind.