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An Innocent Adventuress est un film américain réalisé par Robert G. Vignola avec Vivian Martin

An Innocent Adventuress (1919)

An Innocent Adventuress
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Durée 50minutes
Réalisé par

An Innocent Adventuress is a 1919 American silent comedy film directed by Robert G. Vignola and written by Clara Genevieve Kennedy. The film stars Vivian Martin, Lloyd Hughes, Edythe Chapman, Gertrude Norman, Jane Wolfe and Tom Bates. The film was released on June 8, 1919, by Paramount Pictures.


Vivian Martin

Lloyd Hughes

(Dick Ross)
Edythe Chapman

(Aunt Heppy)
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Origine Etats-Unis
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Origine Etats-Unis
Acteurs Pauline Frederick, Crauford Kent, Joseph Smiley

As described in a film magazine, while attending a house party with her husband, Eleanor Stratton (Frederick) overhears a conversation between a detective Jim Foley (Hatch) and her husband Frederick (Kent), in which the latter is commanded to produce a receipt held by Worthington Lawrence (Handyside), their host, under penalty of being exposed for a petty theft committed years ago. To save her husband, Eleanor obtains the receipt and motors to the city the next day with it, where Foley has promised to deliver to her the signed confession of her husband. Foley tricks her up to his rooms, where he obtains the receipt but fails to deliver the confession. He promises to give it to her if she will return that evening. While he is getting the paper from a desk, Eleanor puts two sleeping powders in a glass of wine, but Foley discovers her and in the tussle that results Foley strikes his head on a buffet and is rendered unconscious. Eleanor escapes and while attempting to return the receipt to Worthington's desk is discovered by her husband. After explaining matters to him, an understanding is reached. Meanwhile, Foley has recovered and tells political boss by telephone that six masked intruders had broken into his rooms and stolen the receipt.