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An International Marriage est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Frank Lloyd avec Marc Robbins

An International Marriage (1916)

An International Marriage
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Durée 50minutes
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Comédie,    Comédie dramatique

An International Marriage est un film muet américain réalisé par Frank Lloyd et sorti en 1916.


The story revolves around a Florence Brent (Rita Jolivet) who is an American heiress who wishes to marry a Duke in Europe. The father of the duke wants her to have a title before marriage however, so she quickly marries the Duke's friend who is a Count with plans to quickly divorce him and retain the title. After the marriage though, she finds out that the Duke is already married. After all that, Florence's sweetheart arrives from America with a pistol and tells the Count he wants to marry her. She decides to go off with her sweetheart, and moves back to New York with him.


Marc Robbins

(Bennington Brent)
Elliott Dexter

(John Oglesby)
Courtenay Foote

(Duke of Burritz)
Herbert Standing

(l'archiduc Ferdinand)
Bande annonce de An International Marriage

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Source : Wikidata


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Réalisé par Frank Lloyd
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Western
Acteurs William Farnum, Jewel Carmen, Horace B. Carpenter, G. Raymond Nye, Frank Ellis, Marc Robbins

As described in a film magazine, after a long sea voyage, Larry Smith (Farnum) comes home to find his sister (Bower) dead, the victim of some unknown person. Shortly after his mother (Drew) dies of a broken heart, Smith sets sail with a determination to wreck vengeance upon the murderer. Unknowingly he has become a mate to Captain Sutton (Nye), the man who ruined his sister. At a South Sea port Smith meets Violet North (Carmen), known as the Painted Lady. Smith falls in love with her and proposes, but she will not marry him because of her past, and the next day sails away with the rest of her party. Logan (Robbins), one of the "dogs" on Sutton's vessel, was a witness to Sutton's attack on the Smith girl and for this reason Sutton sails away leaving Logan on shore alone. Logan meets Smith and tells his tale. Logan and Smith search the islands for a trace of Sutton. When a storm rises and Violet, aboard a yacht, is tossed onto the island occupied by Smith. Sutton also comes ashore on a boat. Thirst for revenge seizes Smith and he attacks Sutton, who dies in the fight. Violet nurses Sutton back to health and sanity.