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Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century: The Resurgence est un film américain de genre Documentaire réalisé par Andrew Goldberg

Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century: The Resurgence (2007)

Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century: The Resurgence
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Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century: The Resurgence is a documentary film that first aired on PBS on January 8, 2007. Directed, produced, and written by Andrew Goldberg, this documentary, hosted by Judy Woodruff, examines the roots of modern antisemitism and why it flourishes today. The program explores why attacks on Jews in Europe have more than doubled since the 1990s, and its connections to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

The purpose of the program is to explore the origins of antisemitism and why it has surged in recent times. It mainly focuses on antisemitism in the Muslim world and its connections to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It explores the history of Islamic antisemitism from pre-Zionism as well as how it has grown since the creation of Israel. The film also explores the similarities between modern Muslim antisemitism and antisemitism in Europe before World War II.
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Turkish Passport tells the story of diplomats posted to Turkish embassies and consulates in several European countries, who saved numerous Jews during the Second World War. Whether they pulled them out of Nazi concentration camps or took them off the trains that were taking them to the camps, the diplomats, in the end, ensured that the Jews who were Turkish citizens could return to Turkey and thus be saved. Based on the testimonies of witnesses who traveled to Istanbul to find safety, Turkish Passport also uses written historical documents and archive footage to tell this story of rescue and bring to light the events of the time. The diplomats saved not only the lives of Turkish Jews, but also rescued foreign Jews condemned to a certain death by giving them Turkish passports. In this dark period of history, their actions lit the candle of hope and allowed these people to travel to Turkey, where they found light. Through interviews conducted with surviving Jews who had boarded the trains traveling from France to Turkey, and talks with the diplomats and their families who saved their lives, the film demonstrates that "as long as good people are ready to act, evil cannot overcome".
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The documentary opens with scenes of the violence at the event, depicting fighting between protesters and Jewish students attempting to enter the venue. This is followed by an interview with student Samir Elitrosh, a leader of the Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights and the leader of anti-Israel violence who was later suspended. It also features interviews with Concordia's Hillel president Yoni Petel and Concordia rector Frederick Lowy, and concludes with a discussion of what it sees as the growing trend of anti-Israel activities on North American campuses.