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Arishina Kumkuma est un film réalisé par K. S. L. Swamy avec Kalpana

Arishina Kumkuma (1969)

Arishina Kumkuma
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Arishina Kumkuma (Kannada: ಅರಿಶಿನ ಕುಂಕುಮ) is a 1970 Indian Kannada film, directed by K. S. L. Swamy (Ravee) and produced by H V Nagendrappa, M V Dodda Veeranna, K V Nagabhushana Shetty, K G Veeranna, Mallikarjunappa and Thippeswamy. The film stars Kalpana, Kalyan Kumar, Rajesh and K. S. Ashwath in lead roles. The film had musical score by Vijaya Bhaskar.


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Belli Moda
Belli Moda (1966)

Réalisé par Puttanna Kanagal
Genres Drame
Acteurs Kalyan Kumar, Kalpana, K. S. Ashwath, Pandari Bai, T. N. Balakrishna
Note72% 3.623473.623473.623473.623473.62347
The movie examines the tumults in the lives of the people residing in the Belli Moda estate. Indira is the heiress of her father's estate, named Belli Moda. A young man, Mohan, is engaged to her and is desirous of owning the Belli Moda, once Indira's father passes away. Mohan returns from the US, only to discover that his fiancee's mother has died in labor, leaving behind a son - the new inheritor of Belli Moda. This shatters Mohan's dreams of the estate and he bitterly refuses to marry Indira. One day, Mohan meets with a car accident and is severely injured. He is nursed by Indira, and presently, Mohan falls truly in love with her and proposes for marriage. However, this time, Indira refuses to marry him and breaks his heart, for he only cared about her money.