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Pithamaha est un film réalisé par K. S. L. Swamy avec Rajesh

Pithamaha (1984)

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Durée 2h14
Réalisé par

Pithamaha (Kannada: ಪಿತಾಮಹ) is a 1985 Kannada film directed by K. S. L. Swamy (Ravi) and produced by Singh Brothers. The film stars Rajesh, Udaykumar, V. Ravichandran and Vijayalakshmi Singh in the lead roles[ While M. Ranga Rao composed the music, the lyrics and dialogues were written by Chi. Udaya Shankar.

The film was a remake of the 1982 blockbuster Hindi film Vidhaata directed by Subhash Ghai and starring Dilip Kumar, Shammi Kapoor, Sanjeev Kumar and Sanjay Dutt in the lead roles.


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Bluray, DVD

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Source : Wikidata


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