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Asadhya Aliya est un film avec Vishnuvardhan

Asadhya Aliya (1979)

Asadhya Aliya
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Durée 2h24

Asadhya Aliya (Kannada: ಅಸಾಧ್ಯ ಅಳಿಯ) is a 1979 Indian Kannada film, directed by H. R. Bhargava and produced by Udaya Chandrika. The film stars Vishnuvardhan, Padmapriya, Manu and Dwarakish in lead roles. The film had musical score by G. K. Venkatesh.


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Genres Documentaire
Acteurs Rajkumar, Vishnuvardhan, Kalpana, M. P. Shankar, T. R. Narasimharaju, T. N. Balakrishna

Kumar (Rajkumar) is a range forest officer who goes to the Nagarhole National forest to protect the natural resources. His main rival is the poacher Anand (Vishnuvardhan) who unknown to him has been kidnapped and raised by Venkatappa Naika (Balakrishna) to exact revenge on his father. In the final scenes, Anand gets hold of Kumar's mother and asks him to not interfere or that he will set fire to the forest. But Kumar shoots Anand, fatally injuring him in the chest. Venkatappa then comes in climax and reveals that Anand is Kumar's own brother and he had done this to take revenge on his family. He tries to kill Kumar, but Anand kills him and dies on the lap of his mother.