The Bell Witch Haunting is a 2004 supernatural horror, written and directed by Ric White. The movie stars Doug Moore, Stephanie Love, Amber Bland and Ric White. It premiered in Nashville, Tennessee on March 27, 2004 and showed in theaters in a limited released in the southeast areas of the United States. It was released on DVD on February 25, 2006.
The film is based on the book The Authenticated History of the Bell Witch by M.V. Ingram, a newspaper reporter, concerning the Bell Witch legend. It was shot in less than a month with most of the filming taking place at several locations in Sumner County, Tennessee, including the historic Rock Castle in Hendersonville, Tennessee and the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church.Synopsis
The Bell Witch haunting began in 1817, as John Bell, a well liked farmer and religious leader, was inspecting his crops and noticed something bizarre. He saw a creature resembling a mixture of a dog and rabbit, and quickly fired at the beast. However, the strange creature vanished before his eyes. Terrifying events would soon follow. It started with the Bells hearing "beating" sounds on the outside walls of their house. Soon other unexplained noises were heard around the Bell house such as scratching and knocking sounds.