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Blue Ridge est un film américain avec Sean Gullette

Blue Ridge (2012)

Blue Ridge
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Durée 1h30
Note58% 2.902532.902532.902532.902532.90253

Blue Ridge is a 2010 drama film set in the rural Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Written and directed by Vince Sweeney. Starring Sean Gullette as the trailer park landlord, Mr. Johnston, Eric Sweeney, (L.A. based actor) as J.T., and Audra Glyn Smith (N.C. based actress) as Sara, with a lot of other interesting small roles.

Shot on film over a 28 day period, it is a high quality 97 min. drama with a unique prospective on modern rural life. Highlighted with subtle humor, authentic locations with naturalistic cinematography and a great haunting original score by Andrew Barkan.


Sara falls for J.T., an unstable young man who lives in a rural trailer park. Together they plan a new life at the beach, operating a used amusement-park ride. Mr. Johnston has other plans for J.T. He wants to keep him tied to the trailer park and under his control and hopes to convince J.T. to join his questionable lifestyle. As pressure builds for J.T. to face his fear of change and the outside world, Sara holds on to the hope that they can push forward together and live out their dream.


Sean Gullette

(Mr. Johnston)
Bande annonce de Blue Ridge

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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