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Bride of the Storm est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par James Stuart Blackton avec Dolores Costello

Bride of the Storm (1926)

Bride of the Storm
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Genres Drame

Bride of the Storm (1926) is a silent historical adventure made at Warner Brothers, directed by J. Stuart Blackton, and starring Tyrone Power, Sr. and Dolores Costello. Sheldon Lewis plays Tyrone Power's son in this picture even though in real life, Lewis was a year older than Power.

The film appears to be among the lost films of the 1920s.


Dolores Costello

(Faith Fitzhugh)
Tyrone Power Sr.

(Jacob Kroon)
John Harron

(Dick Wayne)
Otto Matieson

(Hans Kroon)
Sheldon Lewis

(Piet Kroon)
Bande annonce de Bride of the Storm

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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