Bullshot is a 1983 film, based on the stage play Bullshot Crummond. The name comes from a parody of the 1929 film, on which it is loosely based, Bulldog Drummond.
Captain Hugh "Bullshot" Crummond (Alan Shearman) is a World War I fighter pilot, Olympic athlete, racing driver, and part-time sleuth. He must save the world from the dastardly Count Otto van Bruno (Ronald E. House), his wartime adversary, and win the heart of the damsel in distress (Diz White).
The film was produced by George Harrison's company Handmade Films.
Alan Shearman would reprise his association with Handmade Films in their 1985 film Water.Synopsis
Le capitaine Hugh "Bullshot" Crummond, devenu célèbre après ses exploits de pilote pendant la Première Guerre Mondiale, doit sauver le monde de l'horrible comte Otto van Bruno. Sans oublier de conquérir le cœur de la jolie fille à la fin, évidemment.