Bunohan is a Malaysian drama thriller film, written and directed by Dain Iskandar Said and released in Malaysia on 8 March 2012. The film features actors Faizal Hussein, Zahiril Adzim and Pekin Ibrahim in leading roles. Bunohan is the second film to be directed by Dain Said. Bunohan had its world premiere the Toronto International Film Festival 2011 where it was praised for its solid, visceral storytelling and arresting photography.
The film was selected as Malaysia's official entry for the Best Foreign Language Film nomination for the 85th Academy Awards in February 2013, but it did not make the final shortlist. This is the second film to be submitted to the Academy Award since Puteri Gunung Ledang in 2004.
Bunohan received thirteen nominations for the 25th Malaysian Filem Festival and won eight, including the Big Five awards: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Story, Best Screenplay and Best Actor/Actress, the first time since 2003's KL Menjerit while being the second most awarded Malaysian Filem Festival all-the-time after Layar Lara. The film also earned four Malaysian Screen Award nominations, winning Best Picture and Best Screenplay, while being nominated for Best Director (Dain Said) and the Best Actor (Faizal Hussien).
They sent an entry to be nominated in the Oscar Foreign-Language Awards.Synopsis
Un kickboxer, un assassin et un businessman. Trois frères qui devront affronter la trahison, la corruption et la violence dans les paysages hostiles de la Malaisie. Le plus jeune, Adil, champion impitoyable, est en fuite après un combat à mort illégal, alors que son aîné Ilham, tueur à gages, pourchasse sa prochaine cible. C'est le troisième frère, Bakar, homme d'affaires sans scrupule, qui va les réunir à Bunohan, pour un affrontement où la haine, le meurtre et la violence seront aussi au rendez-vous...