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Captain Blood est un film de genre Guerre réalisé par David Smith avec J. Warren Kerrigan

Captain Blood (1924)

Captain Blood
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Durée 1h50
Réalisé par ,    
Genres Guerre,    Action,    Aventure,    Romance
Note62% 3.1364353.1364353.1364353.1364353.136435

Captain Blood is a 1924 American silent historical adventure film produced and distributed by The Vitagraph Company of America. The film is based on the novel, Captain Blood, His Odyssey, by Rafael Sabatini, and was directed by David Smith, brother of Vitagraph founder Albert E. Smith. Early silent film hero J. Warren Kerrigan stars along with resident Vitagraph leading actress Jean Paige.


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Suggestions de films similaires à Captain Blood

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Note59% 2.9706652.9706652.9706652.9706652.970665
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Note44% 2.208492.208492.208492.208492.20849
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