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Careers est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par John Francis Dillon avec Billie Dove

Careers (1929)

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Durée 1h32
Réalisé par ,    
Genres Drame

Careers (1929) is an all-talking pre-code drama film with songs produced and released by First National Pictures, a subsidiary of Warner Bros., and directed by John Francis Dillon. The movie stars Billie Dove, Antonio Moreno, Thelma Todd and Noah Beery The film was based on a story, entitled Karriere, by Paul Rosenhayn and Alfred Schirokauer. Careers was Billie's Dove first film with dialogue.


The film takes place in the French colony of Cochin-China. Young French magistrate (Antonio Moreno) and his wife (Billie Dove) are victims of virtual imprisonment because president (Noah Beery) of colony in which they are stationed has a sexual interest in the magistrate's wife. Beery refuses to allow Moreno to advance in his career on the bench until his wife agrees to his demands. Moreno, angered by this treatment after four years of hard work, secretly goes to the governor of the colony to complain. Dove endeavors in crucial moment to save her husband from disaster by pleading with the president but inadvertently reveals her husband's plan. Being afraid for the safety of her husband, Dove consents to do whatever Beery wishes as long as he does nothing to endanger her husband. Just as Beery is about to seduce Dove, he is murdered by a native musician who has been hiding in the room. Dove is immediately suspected of the murder and the musician comes out of hiding and accuses Dove of the murder. Moreno is placed in charge of the investigation and discovers that the musician is lying and that he is the one responsible. Tired of the dangers of life in the French colony, Moreno and Dove head back to Paris where Moreno hopes to start a new career.


Billie Dove

(Hélène Gromaire)
Antonio Moreno

(Victor Gromaire)
Thelma Todd

Noah Beery Sr.

(The President)
Holmes Herbert

Bande annonce de Careers

Bluray, DVD

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Source : Wikidata


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