Chaali Polilu is a Tulu language film directed by Virendra Shetty Kavoor starring Devadas Kapikad, Naveen D Padil and Bhojaraj Vamanjoor in lead roles. Chaali Polilu is produced under the banner of Jayakirana films by Prakash Pandeshwar.The film has shared valuable message to the society. The film completely reflects upon social evils in the society and also provides equal amount of entertainment to the audience.
"The film has successfully completed 300 days in PVR Cinemas".Synopsis
The first half of the film tells about the three main characters Pandu (Devadas Kapikad), Damu (Naveen D Padil) and Manju (Bhojaraj Vamanjoor). They are best friends from childhood and stay in same neighbourhood. They are naughty and are not interested in studies at all. They are jobless and do not do any work. The trio are called 'Chaali Polilu' by the people in the area.