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Chicken Little est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Mark L. Dindal sorti en France le 23 novembre 2005 avec Zach Braff

Chicken Little (2005)

Chicken Little
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Chicken Little

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Run for your lives! Everyone run for cover!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook SOS! Mayday! Mayday! Code red! Duck and cover!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook [repeated line] Today is a new day.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook A piece of the sky?! Shaped like a stop sign?! Not again!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Don't tap the glass, they hate it when you do that.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook A movie? Book on tape was that enough.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook I put on five ounces this year. I've really bulked up.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Who are we talking about?

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Come on, all I need is chance.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Modern Mallard says avoiding closure can lead to molting, and I'm already small and on top of that I don't think I can handle being bald!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Watch out for the kid! Don't hit him!


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Mr. Woolensworth: Abby Mallard.
Foxy Loxy: [fake cough] Ugly Duckling!
[All the students laugh]
Mr. Woolensworth: Class, I will not tolerate rude behavior at the expense of a fellow...
Abby Mallard: Hey, hey, hey. No worries, Mr. Woolensworth.
Mr. Woolensworth: Yaah! [Abby honks] You mustn't sneak up on me, Ugly– Er, Abby. Now, where was I?
Foxy: [fake cough] Ugly Duckling!
Mr. Woolensworth: Yes, of course. Thank you.
[Abby drums on her desk and blows a raspberry]
Mr. Wookensworth: Chicken Little.
[Chicken Little's desk is empty]
Foxy: [fake cough] Tardy again!
Mr. Woolensworth: Tardy again. [crosses Chicken Little's name off] Class, turn to page 62 and translate each word in mutton. He.
Students: Baa!
Mr. Woolensworth: She.
Students: Baa!
Mr. Woolensworth: They.
Students: Baa!
Mr. Woolensworth: We.
Students: Baa!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Abby: Calm down, Runt! Just... Just do what Fish is doing.
[C & C Music Factory: Gonna Make You Sweat]
C & C Music Factory: Everybody dance now.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Abby: Tough morning?
Chicken Little: I had a run in with my old nemesis.
Abby: Gum on the crosswalk?
Chicken Little: He won this round.
Abby: Your old foe.
Chicken Little: Mmm-hmm.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook [during a timeout at gym class]
Abby: Look, you thought the sky was falling. Your dad didn't support you, and you have been hurting inside ever since.
Chicken Little: Yeah, but...
Abby: It's hurt. It's the nutshell.
Chicken Little: Well, it's hurt, but...
Abby: No, bup bup! Bup! Now what needs to happen now is the nut needs to be cracked open, and not one little chip at a time, but bam! Bits of emotion flying everywhere! Anger! Frustration! Denial! Fear! Deep depression, in fact! You see what I'm saying?
Runt of the Litter: Uh...
Abby: Alright, forget the nut thing. Here's the main thing. You have got to stop messing around and deal with the problem. Here's the real solution: You, your dad, talk-talk-talking, closure.
Chicken Little: Closure?
Abby: Closure. Talking about something until it's resolved. Wait. Look. [pulls out some magazines from her backpack] There's a whole section about in this month's Modern Mallard. Incredibly appropriate! Whew!
Chicken Little: I told you, I have a plan.
Abby: Yeah, but according to Cosmo Duck, you should stop the squawk and try the talk. And Beautiful Ducking says avoiding closure with your parents can cause early molting. See? Closure.
[as Abby and Chicken Little are talking, Fish Out of Water is building a tower out of Abby's magazines]
Abby: Just repeat after me. You, your dad, talk-talk...
Chicken Little: Abby, Abby, Abby! Listen, alking's a waste of time. I got to do something great so my dad doesn't think I'm such a loser.
Abby: Come on, you're not a loser. You're inventive and resourceful and funny and cute...
Chicken Little: What?
Abby: Oh, you... [chuckles nervously] Um... [smiling broadly] Runt, should Chicken Little have a good talk with his dad and clean the air... [winks then frowns] ...Or keep searching for Band-Aid solutions and never deal with the problem?
Runt: Pfft! Band-Aid solutions!
Abby: Runt!
Runt: Well, I'm sorry! I'm very bad at reading facial cues.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Runt: 'Twas Beauty that killed the Beast.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Buck Cluck: Some teenagers, you know, they get quite a rush from stamp-collecting! You wanna stop? We'll get some stamps...
Chicken Little: No, I don't like stamps.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Dog Announcer: This excitement isn't just about the fun of baseball. It's not about the prize. It's about the gloating and rubbing their noses in it. The "Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah, we beat you" taunting if you will, that comes with the winning.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Abby: Okay. Lemme guess. You haven't told your dad yet.
Chicken Little: Well...
Abby: I knew it! Why haven't you told him? There hasn't been you, your dad, talk-talk-talking.
Chicken Little: There was talking. There was... There was definitely talking.
Abby: Oh, really? What did he say? [Chicken Little only making stammering things] What? Alright, that's it! We are doing an intervention! You have got to stop messing around and deal with the problem!
Runt: She's right!
Chicken Little: Abby, please. This is exactly what fell on me the first time. There's no way I'm bringing this up again with him.
Runt: No, he's not!
Abby: Runt!
Runt: Sorry! I'm a gutless flip-flopper.
Abby: Okay. I'm sure there's a simple, logical explanation. I mean, it could be a piece of weather balloon, or maybe it's part of some experimental communications satellite.
Chicken Little: I don't care what it is. I want it out of my life, gone for good. Everything back to normal.
Abby: Hey, remember when that icy blue stuff fell from the sky? Everybody thought it was from space and stuff? And it just turned out to be frozen pee from a jet airplane.
Runt: Yeah, that's right. It's frozen pee. Yeah. It's frozen pee. [singing] Pee, pee, pee, pee pee.
Chicken Little: Could you stop saying that?
Runt: What, pee?
Chicken Little: Pee.
Abby: How 'bout Tinkle
Runt: Piddle?
Abby: Whiz? [Fish gurgles]
Runt: Wee-wee?
Chicken Little: Okay, subject change.
Runt: Make Phishee?
Chicken Little: I don't care what it is! Now are you gonna help me get rid of it or not?

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Chicken Little: Fish?
Abby: Fish!
Chicken Little: Fish…
Abby: Fish…
Runt: [shouts] WHERE ARE YOU, FISH?!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Dog: Now, let's check the weather with Riz. A cold front is moving in so... The alarm bell has been activated! Quick! Get a camera crew!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Mama Runt: Runt, that's enough! Don't make Mommy take away your Streisand collection!
Runt: Mom, you leave Barbra out of this!
Dog: Why can't you keep that child of yours under control?
Chicken Little: I'm telling you the truth. Dad! Dad, I'm not making this up. You gotta believe me this time.
Buck: No, son. I don't.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Mayor Turkey Lurkey: [to an alien robot] Oh, we surrender! Here, take the key to the city! [alien bot zaps the key; holds up another key] Key to my car? [robot zaps key and car at the same time; holds a box of Tic Tacs] Tic Tac? [bot zaps Lurkey]

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Chicken Little: [to Abby] By the way, I'd like to say I've always found you extremely attractive. [he kisses Abby]
Abby: Now that's closure.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Buck: What, what? You have to go to the bathroom? [Alien kid shakes head] You want juice? [kid shakes head again] A snack? [kid shakes head again] Corndog? On a stick? [Kirby starts to lose temper] Want to play some golf? What do you want?
Kirby: [makes irritated noises]
Buck: I stink at this...

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Big Male Voice: Why did you take our child?
Buck: Hey, hey! Just... [gulps] Just hold on there, buddy! My son did not take your kid! You were the one that left him behind! That's bad parenting, and I should know!
Big Male Voice: Silence, silence, silence, silence! Release the child!
Buck: Okay.
Chicken Little: Okay, okay.
Female Alien: Sweetheart! Oh, Kirby, I'm so happy to see you! My darling!
Buck: [sighs] That was close.
Chicken Little: At least they're back together. They got their kid.
Big Male Voice: You have violated intergalatic law 90210 - a charge punishable by immediate particle disintergration!
Buck: [while being aimed at with particle disintegration alongside Chicken Little] Oh, snap.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Ace: Are you ready to rock?
Hollywood Runt: Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley low.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Dog Announcer: Hold your horses, here! And horses, hold your breath.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Ace: [to Hollywood Runt shooting alien spaceships] Give them a taste of the other white meat!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Mayor Lurkey: [stops a crowd] Oh, look, a penny.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Buck: You gotta be ready to listen to your children, even if they have nothing to say.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Dog Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, it's just gibberish. Gibberish of an insane person.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Dog Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it; I've seen road kill with faster reflexes.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Chicken Little: There's... there's... it's a... you have to... D'oh... Doo-wah!
Mountain Lion: What did he say?
Mayor Lurkey: [reading a sign-holding dog's signs] "There's... there's... it's a... you have to... D'oh! Doo-wah!"


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Dan Molina as Fish Out of Water

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Sean Elmore, Matthew Michael Joston and Evan Dunn as Kirby