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Dad and Dave Come to Town est un film de genre Comédie réalisé par Ken G. Hall avec Ann Richards

Dad and Dave Come to Town (1938)

Dad and Dave Come to Town
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Durée 1h37
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie
Note64% 3.236923.236923.236923.236923.23692

Dad and Dave Come to Town is a 1938 Australian comedy film directed by Ken G. Hall, the third in the 'Dad and Dave' comedy series starring Bert Bailey. It was the feature film debut of Peter Finch.


Life is busy on the Rudd farm: Dave keeps inventing things, Joe has a tooth ache, Billy Ryan wants to marry Sarah Rudd but Dad is feuding with Billy's father, Old Man Ryan, who wants to buy Dad's bottom paddock.


Ann Richards

(Jill (as Shirley Ann Richards))
Peter Finch

(Bill Ryan)
Raymond Longford

George Lloyd

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