David Uncle is a 1992 Tamil language comedy-drama film directed Guna. The film features Anandaraj, Siva, Sivaranjani, Rekha and Sridevi Vijaykumar in lead roles. The film, produced by L. Vasu and K. Rajpreeth, had musical score by Adithyan and was released on 25 September 1992.Synopsis
The story begins with the minister Deivanayagam (R. P. Viswam) and his son who debated. Deivanayagam's son came with his wife Malathi (Rekha) and new-born daughter Devi, he believed that his father changed. On the other hand, Deivanayagam wanted his son back, leaving his wife and daughter but his son refused. Meanwhile, Deivanayagam's assistant Arumugam (K. Rajpreeth) killed Deivanayagam in front of his son and Arumugam put the blame on him. Deivanayagam's son was arrested and then the new-born daughter was handed over to a beggar by Arumugam.