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Delincuente est un film de genre Musical réalisé par Sergio Véjar avec Lucero

Delincuente (1984)

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Réalisé par
Genres Musical,    Romance
Note46% 2.3017252.3017252.3017252.3017252.301725

Delincuente (in English: Delinquent) is a Mexican motion picture, categorized as a musical and romance film, released in 1985. In this movie the writers aimed to please the fans of the co-stars, since they had been unhappy that Lucerito's character had died in the earlier movie, Coqueta.


Cecilia Suárez (Lucerito) poses for a portrait for a painter who is a friend of hers. One night this painter and a group of his friends go on a spree and meet Alejandro (Pedro Fernández) a young orphan who lives on the streets, so they decided to adopt him. Alejandro discovers the portrait and falls in love with Cecilia Suárez. He decides to meet her and tries to win her love, changing his manners and behavior, since she is a wealthy woman.



(Cecilia Suárez)
Pedro Fernández

José Elías Moreno

Nuria Bages

(Cecilia's mother)
Alma Delfina
Bande annonce de Delincuente

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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