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Dharmasere est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Puttanna Kanagal avec Aarathi

Dharmasere (1979)

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Durée 2h8
Réalisé par
Genres Drame
Note65% 3.2754653.2754653.2754653.2754653.275465

Dharmasere (Kannada: ಧರ್ಮಸೆರೆ, The Religious Bind) is a 1979 Indian Kannada language film directed by Puttanna Kanagal, based on a novel by Jada Bharata of the same name, and starring Aarathi and Srinath in the lead roles. The supporting cast features Sathyapriya, Musuri Krishnamurthy, Shivaram and Jai Jagadish.


This movie explores the plight of a dumb young woman (Aarathi). Srinath the hero falls in love with Aarathi's younger sister. But the father of the girls is in the Dharmasere (the religious bind) that he can't get his younger daughter married even as the elder daughter is unmarried. So he requests Srinath to marry both of them even if it is a symbolic marriage to the elder dumb girl. As fate would have it, the younger one fails to beget offspring. Desperate for an offspring, Srinath turns to Aarathi and she promptly begets a child. This movie is a poignant portrayal of young dumb women of that era, the scorn, humiliation and neglect they faced from the society.


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