Don't Call Me Little Girl is a 1921 American silent comedy film directed by Joseph Henabery and written by Catherine Chisholm Cushing and Edith M. Kennedy. The film stars Mary Miles Minter, Winifred Greenwood, Ruth Stonehouse, Jerome Patrick, Edward Flanagan, and Fanny Midgley. The film was released in June 1921 by Paramount Pictures. It has a survival status classification of unknown, which suggests that it is a lost film.
Réalisé parJoseph Henabery OrigineEtats-Unis GenresDrame, Comédie ActeursRoscoe Arbuckle, Winifred Greenwood, Roscoe Karns, Julia Faye, Frank Campeau Note60% Attorney Algernon Leary (Fatty Arbuckle), "pure milk" candidate for mayor, attends a party for grown-ups dressed as children. Going home in a blizzard, he is robbed of his fur coat leaving him bare legged wearing rompers. He takes refuge in the first building he can reach, creating havoc in various apartments due to his appearance. He blunders into the rival candidate (Frank Campeau) in a compromising situation with a vamp and forces him to withdraw, ensuring Leary's election as mayor after a whirlwind campaign.