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Down to the Sea est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Lewis D. Collins avec Ben Lyon

Down to the Sea (1936)

Down to the Sea
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Durée 1h9
Réalisé par
Genres Drame
Note60% 3.001363.001363.001363.001363.00136

Down to the Sea is a 1936 American drama film directed by Lewis D. Collins and written by Robert Lee Johnson and Wellyn Totman. The film stars Russell Hardie, Ben Lyon, Ann Rutherford, Irving Pichel, Fritz Leiber and Vince Barnett. The film was released on May 30, 1936, by Republic Pictures.


Ben Lyon

(Steve Londos)
Russell Hardie

(John 'Johnny' Kaminas)
Ann Rutherford

(Helen Pappas)
Irving Pichel

(Alex Fotakis)
Fritz Leiber

(Gregory Pappas)
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