E (English: The Fly) is a 2006 Tamil social-thriller film directed by S.P.Jananathan, who won the Indian National Award in 2004 for his debut, Iyarkai. Jiiva, Nayantara, Karunaas and Pasupathy play lead roles. The film's music is composed by director, Srikanth Deva son of Deva.The film was appreciated for its fresh storyline.Synopsis
The movie revolves around Easwaran alias E (Jiiva), an orphan brought up in the musty, teeming slums of Chennai by an old woman. For him money is the thing in life, he does anything for that. He Comes across Jothy (Nayantara), a bar dancer, who settles down in the same locality. After a few encounters they get acquainted with each other. E's simple ways attract Jothy.