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El barchante Neguib est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Joaquín Pardavé avec Joaquín Pardavé

El barchante Neguib (1946)

El barchante Neguib
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Durée 1h30
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Comédie
Note69% 3.4725453.4725453.4725453.4725453.472545

El barchante Neguib is a 1946 Mexican film. It stars Joaquín Pardavé as "Neguib" and Sara García as "Sara".

The film revolves around a Lebanese Mexican family that heads to Mexico City to visit their son, Alfredo (Jorge Ancira). The son, is shameful of their family's Arab origin, does not welcome them into his home. Therefore, the father Neguib (Joaquín Pardavé) sets up a clothing store in a market, competing with their neighbor Regina (Dolores Camarillo), whom he incidentally calls "Rajona" (Spanish for someone who gives up easily). The family is also incorporated of the wife Sara (Sara García), daughters Natalia (Olga Jiménez) and Rebeca (Marina Herrera), and the family's rural manservant Piloncillo (Fernando Soto), also known to the family as "Baloncillo".


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Source : Wikidata


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