En Thangai Kalyani is a Tamil film released in 1988 directed and produced by T. Rajendar. Rajender himself appeared in the title role with Sudha, whilst the film featured an extensive cast, which also featured Rajendar's real life children, along with a bevy of supporting actors. The film released on 5 February 1988 and was a blockbuster.Synopsis
Senthamarai deserts Srividhya & his two children Rajendar & Sudha, to live with his concubine. He marries her and lives with her without taking care of his wife & children. Rajendar grows up with hatred to his father. He loves his sister Kalyani (Sudha) very much & buys everything for her. He sends her to college, but she falls in love with her co-student against the wishes of her brother & mother.