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La Reine des ténèbres est un film de genre Fantasy réalisé par Lamberto Bava avec Alessandra Martines

La Reine des ténèbres (1993)

La Reine des ténèbres
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Durée 3h20
Réalisé par
Genres Fantasy,    Aventure,    Romance
Note71% 3.5914553.5914553.5914553.5914553.591455

Fantaghirò 3 (also known as The Cave of the Golden Rose 3) is the third film from the Fantaghirò series. It is directed by Lamberto Bava and stars Alessandra Martines as the title character. It originally aired on television in 1993 as a two-parter, and hence is alternately titled as a double-set of Fantaghirò 5 and Fantaghirò 6 in certain releases. Kim Rossi Stuart, who played the hero in the previous two films, returned in this film but his role was much reduced.

In the film, Fantaghirò fights against the handsome but cruel wizard Tarabas (Nicholas Rogers) and his mother, the witch Xellesia (Ursula Andress), to bring back to life the prince Romualdo (Kim Rossi Stuart), turned into a stone statue, and save the child princess Esmeralda. The Black Witch (Brigitte Nielsen), an enemy of Fantaghirò from the previous film, also returns.


The evil wizard Tarabas has learned of a prophecy that a royal child no older than ten is destined to destroy his kingdom. Shocked to learn that he is not invincible, Tarabas sends his clay soldiers out to kidnap all the royal children of the world. His mother, Xellesia, disapproves of this, but Tarabas is obsessed with learning how he will be defeated. Among the children he targets are the babies of Catherine and Caroline, Fantaghirò's sisters.


Bande annonce de La Reine des ténèbres

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L'Empereur du mal
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Acteurs Alessandra Martines, Brigitte Nielsen, Horst Buchholz, Ursula Andress, Nicholas Rogers, Marc de Jonge
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La Princesse rebelle, 3h20
Réalisé par Lamberto Bava
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Acteurs Alessandra Martines, Kim Rossi Stuart, Mario Adorf, Ángela Molina, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Tomás Valík
Note74% 3.714483.714483.714483.714483.71448
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Desideria et le Prince rebelle, 3h6
Réalisé par Lamberto Bava
Genres Fantasy, Aventure
Thèmes Mise en scène d'un animal, Magie, Mise en scène d'un dragon
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Le Dernier Monde Cannibale, 1h30
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Note58% 2.9485752.9485752.9485752.9485752.948575
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, 1h47
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Origine Italie
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Démons 2
Démons 2 (1986)
, 1h31
Réalisé par Lamberto Bava
Origine Italie
Genres Fantasy, Horreur
Thèmes Film traitant du cinéma, Maladie, Religion, Le futur, Diable, Zombie, Épidémie, Politique, Dystopique, Film catastrophe
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Note59% 2.95242.95242.95242.95242.9524
Après le premier chapitre qui se passait au cinéma, Lamberto Bava nous emmène cette fois dans un appartement en plein anniversaire.