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Cop: What do you guys want?
Pedro: Nothing.
Cop: Hey, do you mind if I have a, bite of your hot dog?
Pedro: Huh? No, man, here, take the whole thing.
[the cop takes a huge bite] Want some fritos?
[through a mouthful of hot dog] No, this is fine! Thank you! Hey, you fellas have a nice day, okay?
Man Stoner: Hey, man, what was that dude's trip? I mean, what was he on, man?
Pedro: Man, I don't know, but I wish we had some of it!
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Pedro: Man, what is in this shit, man?
Man Stoner: Mostly Maui Waui, man.
Pedro: Yeah?
Man Stoner: But it's got some Labrador in it.
Pedro: What's Labrador?
Man Stoner: It's dog shit.
Pedro: What?
Man Stoner: Yeah, my dog ate my stash, man. I had it on the table and the little motherfucker ate it, man.
Pedro: Yeah?
Man Stoner: So I had to follow him around with a little baggie for three days before I got it back. Really blew the dog's mind, ya know?
Pedro: You mean we're smokin' dog shit, man?
Man Stoner: Gets ya high, don't it?
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Border Guard: So, how long you've been in Mexico?
Pedro: A week. I mean a day.
Border Guard: Well, which is it? A week or a day?
Pedro: A weekday.
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Man Stoner: Yeah, I know, but listen. I slept in a ditch last night, man, I almost froze my balls off, man.
Pedro de Pacas: Hey, I didn't think you had any, man. I wouldn't even have stopped.
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[laughing while stoned] Way anchor! How much does it weigh? I don't know, I forgot! Pffhhh! Ha-ha, I saw that in a movie once...!
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Arresting Officer: Sir, could I please see your license?
Pedro: Whuut?
Arresting Officer: Your license. Where's your license?
Pedro: My license? It's on the bumper, man, back there, man!
Arresting Officer: No, I mean your DRIVER'S license.
Pedro: Oh. Oh, yeah, I got my driver's license, man...
[gets the license with great difficulty] Hey, I thought'a somethin' really funny, man... Your mother!
Arresting Officer:
[after dirty look, of course] Sir, what's your name?
Pedro: Uuhhh... Isn't it on the license, man? Yeah, that's it! Pedro De Pacas, man, that's my name...
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Arresting Officer:
[to Man] And what is your name, sir?
Pedro: Whut? I told you my name, man!
Arresting Officer:
[to Man] Sir... what's YOUR name?
[to Man] Hey, man! The dude wants to know your name, man!
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Pedro: Don't worry, man. Those aren't narcs, they're Las Emigras; you know, the Immigration Service looking for illegal aliens.
Man Stoner: What's the Immigration Service doing here, man?
Pedro: My cousin needed a ride to his brother's wedding in Tijuana; so he called the Emigras, man. They'll deport the entire wedding party, man. They get a free bus ride across the border and lunch. When the wedding is over, man, they'll just come back across the border.
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Man Stoner: Ohhh! Ohhh!
Pedro: Hey, man, how far you goin', man?
Man Stoner:
[points to the curb] Oh, right here would be fine, man!
Pedro: Oh, you ain't scared of a little speed, are ya, man?
Man Stoner: Wha, you got some speed, man?
Pedro: Huh? Oh. Speed? Uh, no, I ain't got no speed, man. But you know what I do got, though, man? I got a joint, man!
Man Stoner: Oh, wow. Alright.
[gets it out and hands it to Man] Here, light that thing up, man, let's get Chinese-eyed, man.
Man Stoner:
[eyeing the joint] What kind of joint is this, man?
Pedro: Oh, it's a heavy duty joint, man.
Man Stoner: Looks like a toothpick, man.
Pedro: Naw, it's not a toothpick, man.
Man Stoner: Hey, it IS a toothpick, man.
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Pedro: Aw, man, it's...
[looking at it, puzzled] it IS a toothpick! I must got it in another pocket, man. Hold on, I got the shit right here, man.
[feels around in his pocket] Oh, that's my dick.
[feels around some more] Yeah, there we go. Hey, there you go, man.
[hands a skinny, curled up joint to Man] Light that sucker up, man. And go to the moon.
Man Stoner:
[looking at a dinky little joint] Jeez, I hope your dick's bigger than this, man.
Pedro: Hey, man, you wanna get out and walk, man?
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Man Stoner: Hey, hey, don't take those, man.
Pedro: Wha...?
Man Stoner: I almost gave you the wrong shit, man.
Pedro: Hey, man, I already took 'em, man.
Man Stoner:
[laughing in astonishment] Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo...
Pedro: Hey, whaddaya mean "ho ho ho ho ho"?
Man Stoner: Oh... HU-WOW, MAN!
Pedro: Hey, what was that shit, man?
Man Stoner: You just take the most acid I've ever seen anybody eat in my life!
Pedro: Hey, man, I never had no acid before, man.
Man Stoner: Jeez, I hope you're not busy for about a month...
Pedro: Hey, I've seen those guys walking around my neighborhood that took too much acid, man. The one guy, his head's swelled up like a pumpkin...
Man Stoner:
[referring to the acid Pedro took] No, that's good acid, man.
Pedro: Another time, there was this guy...
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Man Stoner:
[Pedro starts toking on the giant joint] Toke, toke it up, man!
[Pedro starts choking] Kinda grabs ya' by the boo-boo, don't it?
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Man Stoner: No, hey, man, if we're gonna wear uniforms, man, you know let's have everybody wear something different.
Pedro: Yea, that's it. Yea, we want something where everybody wears something different, man, but the same, you know?
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Arnold Stoner:
[to wife, off camera] Sweetheart, I'll talk to him.
[to Anthony "Man", as he makes a fruit smoothie] Son, your mother and me would like for you to cozy up to the Finkelstein boy. He's a bright kid, and, uh... he's going to military school, and... remember, he was an Eagle Scout...
Mrs. Tempest Stoner: Arnold...
Arnold Stoner:
[shouting as his wife continues] Will you shut up? We're going to have a family brawl!
Mrs. Tempest Stoner: ...and a retard!
Arnold Stoner: We've put up with a hell of a lot.
[Anthony starts blender] Can this wait? Build your goddamn muscles, huh? You know, you could build your muscles picking strawberries. You know, bend and scoop... like the Mexicans.
[Anthony turns off blender and pours contents into tall glass] Shit, maybe I could get you a job with United Fruit! I got a buddy with United Fruit. Get you started. Start with strawberries, you might work your way up to these goddamn bananas!
[Anthony drinks from glass as his father shouts] When, boy? When... are you going to get your act together?
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Mrs. Tempest Stoner:
[in disgust] Gross!
Arnold Stoner:
[rubs his forehead with his hand] Oh, good God Almighty me. I think he's the Antichrist.
[turns to his son] Anthony, I want to talk to you. Now, listen!
[Anthony walks away and gives an obscene gesture behind his back] Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you! You get a goddamn job before sundown...
Mrs. Tempest Stoner:
[pointing to Anthony as he walks away] Is that some kind of peace sign?
Arnold Stoner: ...or we're shipping you off to military school with that... goddamn Finkelstein... shit kid!
[turns away in frustration] Son of a BITCH!
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Toyota Kawasaki: Sgt. Stedenko, what are you exactly looking for?
Sgt. Stedenko: Dope, drugs, weed, grass, toot, smack, quackers, uppers, downers, all arounders. You name it, we want it!
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Man Stoner:
[on police radio] Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, can you hear me?
Clyde - Narc: Hello, headquarters? Hello, headquarters? Come in, headquarters. This is Officer Clive... we are...
Sgt. Stedenko: Use the codename! The codename!
Clyde - Narc: Headquarters, headquarters come in, please. This is Codename Hardhead.
Sgt. Stedenko: Hat! Hardhat! Give me that! Hello, radio dispatch? This is Codename Hardhat, Codename Hardhat, do you read me? Over.
Man Stoner: Was that Lardass?
Sgt. Stedenko: Hardhat! Codename Hardhat! Do you read, radio dispatch?
Man Stoner: Hey, I got somethin' for ya, Lardass!
Sgt. Stedenko: Hardhat! Hard... Hat! Do you understand?
Pedro: Lardass, Lardass!
Sgt. Stedenko: Hardhat! Radio dispatch, do you know who this is?
Pedro: Naw, who is this is?
Sgt. Stedenko: This is Sergeant Stedenko!
Pedro: Oh yeah, you know who this is?
Sgt. Stedenko: No!
Pedro: Bye-bye, Lardass!
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Pedro: I been smoking since I was born, man, I can smoke anything, man. You know like I smoke that Michoacán, and Acapulco Gold, man. I even smoke that tied stick, you know?
Man Stoner: "Tied stick?"
Pedro: Yeah, you know that stuff that's tied to a stick.
Man Stoner: Ohh, THAI stick.
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Sgt. Stedenko: Now just how well do you know that freak with the basketball?
Unknown: Which basketball?
Sgt. Stedenko: Which basketball?