For the Love of Rusty is a 1947 drama film directed by John Sturges. It was the third of the "Rusty" film series involving the adventures of German shepherd Rusty and his human companions - young Danny Mitchell (Ted Donaldson) and his pals. This film details Danny's friendship with an eccentric and itinerant "veterinarian" Dr. Fay (Aubrey Mather), and Danny's attempts to form a closer relationship with his father (Tom Powers). In this installment, Rusty was played for the first time by Flame, who would portray Rusty in four of the eight Rusty films.Synopsis
Busy attorney Hugh Mitchell wants to become closer to his son, Danny, whom he knows little. He starts arranging a luncheon, but soon finds out that Danny prefers going to the carnival. Still he attends the luncheon, and brings along his dog Rusty, a German Shepherd. All the other boys attending with their fathers are quite amused when Rusty starts fighting with another dog, and the luncheon is abruptly interrupted.