Forged is a 2010 drama directed by William Wedig starring Manny Perez, David Castro, Margo Martindale, Kevin Breznahan, and Jaime Tirelli. Forged was released in theaters through Maya Entertainment on July 29, 2011, as part of the Maya Indie Series.Synopsis
Set in the cold and industrial town of Scranton, Pennsylvania, Forged follows Chuco (Manny Perez) on his quest to redeem himself after committing a horrific sin against his son, Machito (David Castro). After Chuco’s release from prison, the boy, now 13 years old, abused and homeless, seeks him out and simply mutters: “You killed my mother. Now I kill you.” As Chuco’s guilt and Machito’s need for a father take hold, they must both find a way to move past impossible circumstances to forge a bond that has been forever broken.