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Fuera de la ley est un film de genre Drame avec Irma Córdoba

Fuera de la ley (1937)

Fuera de la ley
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Genres Drame,    Policier
Note60% 3.0125053.0125053.0125053.0125053.012505

Outside the Law (Spanish: Fuera de la ley) is a 1937 Argentine thriller film directed and written by Manuel Romero. The film premiered on 12 May 1940 in the United States. The film starred José Gola, Luis Arata, Roberto Blanco and Irma Córdoba


Irma Córdoba

Luis Arata

(Pedro Robles)
Susy Derqui

Malisa Zini

Bande annonce de Fuera de la ley

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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Note64% 3.2235853.2235853.2235853.2235853.223585
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, 1h54
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Thèmes Politique
Acteurs Víctor Laplace, Irma Córdoba, Lorenzo Quinteros, Enrique Liporace, Carlos Roffé, Cristina Banegas
Note66% 3.3349253.3349253.3349253.3349253.334925
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Genres Drame, Comédie, Musical
Acteurs Florencio Parravicini, Mecha Ortiz, Santiago Arrieta, Irma Córdoba, Hugo del Carril, Amalia Bernabé
Note73% 3.653053.653053.653053.653053.65305
The aristocratic Alberto Rosales (Arrieta) falls in love with the blond tango dancer Rubia Mireya (Ortiz) leaving his fiancée (Córdoba). His father convinces him to give her up and return to his respectable fiancée. Ten years later Alberto and Rubia meet again at a charitable event organized by his wife. He wants to rekindle the romance, but when his two children burst on to the scene, she leaves without a word. Though she still cares for him, she will not allow his children to become fatherless.