Gathering of Heroes: Legend of the Seven Swords is an upcoming film starring Christopher Atkins, Debra Marshall and Kirk Montgomery. The film has taken over one year to write, Directors Mark Steven Grove and Jon Firestone and their crew have been working on this project since late 2007, filming for this film started mid-2008. The release is being handled by Asgard Entertainment.
The film is being shot entirely in 4K on the RED ONE digital cinema camera.Synopsis
In the mystical realm of Ryntia, the forces of the underworld are aligning to unleash a plague of evil upon the surface. The deadly bat-like Blood Reavers, the Saurian Maurauders, the Orcish Warmongers and the feline Shadow-cat mercenaries have pledged their respective clans to the service of Bre'Gwen, queen of the deep elves. Together they seek to destroy the human and Elven kingdoms and rule all of Ryntia in the name of evil.