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Gli innocenti pagano est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Luigi Capuano avec Lída Baarová

Gli innocenti pagano (1952)

Gli innocenti pagano
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Réalisé par
Genres Drame
Note62% 3.139643.139643.139643.139643.13964

Gli Innocenti pagano is a 1951 Italian drama film directed by Luigi Capuano.


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, 1h30
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Thèmes La prison
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Rosa Lulli, has an illegitimate 20-year-old son, named Stefano, who lives with her in the house of Professor Arlotta. Stefano is in love with Lydia, the granddaughter of the professor. The couple has a gambling addiction: the need to obtain a large sum to meet gambling debts, which pushes him to accept the loving invitation of Jeannette, owner of a dance school, where Stefano goes to play. But Jeannette is the lover of Pasquale Anitra, head of a criminal gang. When he is killed in Jeannette's home, Stefano is framed and arrested and tried for the murder. Stefano is sentenced to life in prison. Lydia, attending dance school, later hears a conversation in which Jeannette confesses to the murder. She tells the police, but is kidnapped by the criminal gang. During the chase, Jeannette is wounded and before dying, confesses to the authorities. Stefano is freed and marries Lydia.
La Vengeance d'Ursus, 1h28
Réalisé par Luigi Capuano
Origine Italie
Genres Drame, Action, Aventure, Péplum
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Dans la Grèce antique, la princesse Sira, fille du roi Alteo, est enlevée par le perfide roi Zagro afin de contraindre son père à la lui donner comme épouse avec le dessein de s'approprier son royaume. C'est sans compter l'intervention du vaillant Ursus qui, amoureux de Sira, va parvenir à la délivrer en soulevant le peuple contre Zagro.