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Gólyakalifa est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Alexander Korda avec Oscar Beregi, Sr.

Gólyakalifa (1917)

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Réalisé par
Genres Drame

The Stork Caliph (Hungarian: A Gólyakalifa) is a 1917 Hungarian silent drama film directed by Alexander Korda and starring Gyula Bartos, Oscar Beregi Sr. and Judit Bánky. It was the second film made by Korda for his newly established Corvin Film company. He pulled off what was considered a literary coup by persuading the author Mihály Babits to allow him to film a version of his 1916 novel of the same name.


Oscar Beregi, Sr.

(Elemér Tábori)
Bande annonce de Gólyakalifa

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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Genres Drame, Comédie, Comédie dramatique, Romance
Thèmes Théâtre, Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
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Note62% 3.1469653.1469653.1469653.1469653.146965
After many years in exile, Don Juan returns to Seville in secret. His wife has threatened to have him thrown in prison. Next morning he is surprised to find that all the town knows he is back (not surprising really as he had a big sword fight on arrival). Rodrigo, an admirer of his, follows Don Juan everywhere, wanting to be just like him, and able to give a good impression of him. Don Juan prepares to flee to France but Rodrigo is killed by a jealous husband who believes he is Don Juan and all Seville now believes him dead. He attends his own magnificent funeral, but finds many discomforts now while pretending that Don Juan is dead, before finally sorting things out.