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Guns and Guitars est un film américain de genre Western réalisé par Joseph Kane avec Gene Autry

Guns and Guitars (1936)

Guns and Guitars
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Durée 57minutes
Réalisé par
Genres Western
Note65% 3.2636153.2636153.2636153.2636153.263615

Guns and Guitars is a 1936 American Western film directed by Joseph Kane and starring Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette, and Dorothy Dix. Written by Dorrell and Stuart E. McGowan, the film is about a singing cowboy who helps protect a county from fever-ridden cattle, and after being framed for murdering the sheriff, proves his innocence, gets elected sheriff, and then goes after the bad guy.


Colima County, Texas has barred the entry of cattle from fever-ridden Sage County, where two unscrupulous schemers, Morhan and Conner, have raised thousands of head of the cattle suffering from Texas Cattle Fever. The cattle are secretly owned by leading citizen Dave Morgan (J.P. McGowan). While driving the diseased cattle to a railhead for shipping, they cross a corner of Colima Country and are spotted and fired upon by Marjorie Miller (Dorothy Dix), daughter of Sheriff Ed Miller (Jack Rockwell). The outlaws are about to kidnap the girl when Gene Autry (Gene Autry), Frog Millhouse (Smiley Burnette), and Shorty (Frankie Marvin) arrive on the scene and rescue the girl. Gene and his sidekicks are traveling with Professor Parker's traveling medicine show.


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