Set in the town of Driftwood, the film begins when Pete McGuire, known by the alias "Lone Jack" arrives in town and molests Kitty Flanders. Sheriff Cheyenne Harry intervenes and knocks down McGuire and takes Kitty Flanders to her home. McGuire becomes aware that Sheriff Harry's deputy, Horton, is out to arrest him and McGuire hides out on a shack on Flanders' claim. Horton is later killed, apparently by Mr. Flanders, and McGuire offers to keep quiet in exchange that he gives him half a stake in the claim and have Kitty Flanders marry him. Later, Sheriff Harry learns that Horton was killed by a 44-Calibre round. Mr. Flanders confesses to Sheriff Harry that he shot and killed Horton, but the sheriff points out that his gun was of a different size. Sheriff Harry notices that McGuire's gun is a 44-Calibre and accuses him of killing Horton. McGuire and an accomplice attempt to escape, but are killed by the Sheriff in a fight. Kitty Flanders confesses her love to Sheriff Cheyenne as she bandages his wounds.
, 53minutes Réalisé parJohn Ford OrigineEtats-Unis GenresRomance, Western ActeursHarry Carey, Molly Malone, L. M. Wells, Vester Pegg, William Steele, Gertrude Astor Note60% Le cow-boy Cheyenne Harry travaille dans le ranch de Ben Clayton. Il tombe amoureux de la fille du propriétaire et décide de lui construire une maison. Pendant ce temps, Helen Clayton, elle, tombe amoureuse de Thornton, un marchand de chevaux de passage dans la ville.