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L. M. Wells est un Acteur Américain né le 5 février 1862 à Cincinnati (Etats-Unis)

L. M. Wells

L. M. Wells
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Nationalité Etats-Unis
Naissance 5 février 1862 à Cincinnati (Etats-Unis)
Mort 1 janvier 1923 (à 60 ans)

L. M. Wells (February 5, 1862 – January 1, 1923) was an American actor of the silent film era. He appeared in 51 films between 1912 and 1922. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Le plus souvent avec

Harry Carey
Harry Carey
(7 films)
Vester Pegg
Vester Pegg
(3 films)
Martha Mattox
Martha Mattox
(3 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de L. M. Wells (14 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


Vanishing Trails
Réalisé par Leon De La Mothe
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Western
Acteurs Mary Anderson (actrice, 1897-1986), Franklyn Farnum, L. M. Wells, Duke R. Lee, Vester Pegg, William Orlamond
Rôle William Stillman

As described in a summary in a film publication, the serial involves the mystery of the murder of William Stillman (Wells) and the finding of the heir to his fortune. Silent Joe (Farnum) arrives in an effort to discover the murderer and prove that he is the true heir. He and the heroine Lou (Anderson) have their adventures in the mountainous terrain with its "vanishing trails." They are aided by The Shadow (Orlamond), a demented scientist with his trained dog, and several remarkable, death-dealing inventions.
Huckleberry Finn
Réalisé par William Desmond Taylor
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Comédie
Acteurs Martha Mattox, Esther Ralston, Lewis Sargent, Frank Lanning, Katherine Griffith, Edythe Chapman
Rôle Judge Thatcher
Note64% 3.228163.228163.228163.228163.22816
As described in a film publication, Huckleberry Finn (Sargent) has been adopted by the Widow Douglas (K. Griffith) who plans to "civilize" him. With Tom Sawyer (G. Griffith) he forms a robber gang, and in a cave has the local boys take an oath to stick together. In his bedroom he runs into his no-account father (Lanning) who steals Huck's small change and later kidnaps Huck, taking him in a small boat down the river, while Tom and the gang wait for their leader to appear. Huck later escapes from a cabin where his father mistreated him, making it look as if he drowned while getting away in a canoe. Rumors of Huck's death spreads. Jim (Reed), the widow's slave boy, hears that he is to be sold and runs off, and joins Huck on a raft. Duke (Humphrey) and King (Bates), two broken-down actors fleeing a crowd they had fooled with a mock theatrical performance, join them. At the next town the actors again fool the people with a pretend theatrical performance with Huck acting as the doorkeeper. Further downstream the actors then impersonate the brothers of a deceased man named Wilks in an attempt to obtain the inheritance, but Huck takes the money to keep it from the actors after he is smitten by the daughter, Mary Jane Wilks (Ralston). Huck and Jim leave to escape the wrath of their former companions just as the actual relatives of the dead man show up. After peace is made when King and Duke rejoin the group, a shabby trick is performed when King sells Jim to a man named Phelps and then tells Huck that Jim has been lost. Upon learning the truth, Huck sets out to rescue his friend. He discovers that Mrs. Phelps (Moore) is the sister of Tom's Aunt Polly. Huck poses as the nephew Tom, whom Mrs. Phelps has never met. Then the real Tom arrives, who is surprised as he believed that Huck had died. After exchanging signals, Tom poses as his brother Sid and they go through with a plan. In a struggle to get Jim away, Tom is shot in the leg. Jim escapes, and while the two youngsters are congratulating themselves at Tom's sickbed, Aunt Polly arrives and says that Jim had been freed a month earlier. She informs the Phelps of Huck's actual identity and takes him back, cured of his wandering, to the Widow Douglas.
Thieves' Gold, 50minutes
Réalisé par John Ford
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Western
Acteurs Harry Carey, Molly Malone, Martha Mattox, Vester Pegg, Harry Tenbrook, Helen Ware
Rôle Mr Savage
Note47% 2.357962.357962.357962.357962.35796
Cheyenne Harry tries to help his outlaw friend Padden evade arrest after Padden has drunkenly shot another man. In the end, the two mismatched friends fight it out, leaving Padden dead. In a romantic subplot, Harry's fiancée Alice leaves him, but finally returns.
A l'assaut du boulevard, 53minutes
Réalisé par John Ford
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Romance, Western
Acteurs Harry Carey, Molly Malone, L. M. Wells, Vester Pegg, William Steele, Gertrude Astor
Rôle Ben Clayton
Note60% 3.0414153.0414153.0414153.0414153.041415
Le cow-boy Cheyenne Harry travaille dans le ranch de Ben Clayton. Il tombe amoureux de la fille du propriétaire et décide de lui construire une maison. Pendant ce temps, Helen Clayton, elle, tombe amoureuse de Thornton, un marchand de chevaux de passage dans la ville.
Liberty (1916)

Réalisé par Jacques Jaccard, Henry MacRae
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Guerre, Aventure, Western
Acteurs Marie Walcamp, Jack Holt, Eddie Polo, G. Raymond Nye, Neal Hart, Bertram Grassby
Rôle Jose Leon
Note16% 0.8420650.8420650.8420650.8420650.842065
Liberty Horton, an American heiress, is kidnapped by a Mexican rebel and ransomed to fund his rebellion.
So Near, Yet So Far, 17minutes
Réalisé par D. W. Griffith
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Romance
Acteurs Walter Miller, Mary Pickford, Robert Harron, Lionel Barrymore, Christy Cabanne, Harry Carey
Rôle The Young Woman's Father (unconfirmed)
Note62% 3.138153.138153.138153.138153.13815
Howard, un jeune homme trop timide pour déclarer sa flamme à une jeune fille, finit par attirer son attention en la sauvant de bandits venus pour la voler.