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Hanae banareni est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Daisuke Shimote avec Wakana Matsumoto

Hanae banareni (2012)

Hanae banareni
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Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Romance
Note66% 3.3154853.3154853.3154853.3154853.315485

Kuro (はなればなれに, Hanarebanareni) is a 2012 Japanese film written and directed by Daisuke Shimote and presented at the 25th Tokyo International Film Festival. It was Shimote's directorial debut.


Kuro dreamed of becoming a baker but got fired from the bakery where she worked. Eito is a photographer who broke up with his fiance. Gou is a stage producer who gets into trouble because his lead actress goes missing. These three people who have nothing in common meet by chance. They start living in a deserted hotel near the sea. In the hotel, initial indifference transforms into a growing friendship. They start getting closer while keeping some distance, enjoying a carefree life. Gou starts writing a screenplay, casting Kuro as the lead actress. Kuro is attracted to Eito, the photographer. Eito still can't get over the bitter experience of his ex-girlfriend. No one expresses their feelings. At this time, Momo, a schoolgirl enters the plot. Even though Momo stays for a short period, she influences their unconscious triangular relationship and strengthens their bonds. Ghey visit the house where Kuro spent her childhood and their relationship takes a turn. Gou completes his script for Kuro and asks her to play the lead. Kuro starts getting distant from Eito. She leave the hotel feeling disappointed. The bond between them fades away. They get back to their old life. However, they feel altered by this experience. Everything in their daily lives looks fresh. The experience has brought a positive change in their working style, thinking and their lives.


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