Harbinger Down is a 2015 American independent science-fiction monster horror film written and directed by Alec Gillis and produced by Tom Woodruff, Jr.; the founders of the special effects company StudioADI.
The plot of the film follows a group of graduate students aboard the titular fishing trawler Harbinger, who are studying the effects of global warming on a pod of Orcas in the Bering Sea. When the ship's crew discover a block of ice that is infected with alien bacteria, they are attacked by shapeshifting alien monsters.
Funded by fan donations through Kickstarter, the film predominantly features practical creature effects created by ADI through the use of animatronics, prosthetic makeup, stop motion and miniature effects, with limited use of computer generated imagery, used only to enhance creature effects (such as to digitally erase wires and gimbles used to articulate the creatures).Synopsis
Un groupe d’étudiants a réservé une place sur un bateau de pêche, le Harbinger, pour étudier les épaulards dans la mer de Béring. Mais quand l’équipage du navire découvre le morceau d’une mystérieuse épave spatiale soviétique sous la glace, les choses prennent un mauvais tournant. Des créatures de laboratoire, capables de résister à un rayonnement spatial extrême, ont survécu à leur captivité dans la glace, et ont muté de façon effroyable…