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His Jazz Bride est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Herman C. Raymaker avec Marie Prevost

His Jazz Bride (1926)

His Jazz Bride
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Durée 1h11
Réalisé par
Genres Drame
Note71% 3.5846253.5846253.5846253.5846253.584625

His Jazz Bride is a 1926 American silent drama film released by Warner Brothers Pictures. The movie starred Marie Prevost and Matt Moore.


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Source : Wikidata


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Note47% 2.3503052.3503052.3503052.3503052.350305
Joan Lowell travels by sea with her father, Nicholas Wagner, as the captain, and two additional crew, William Sawyer and Otto Siegler. During their voyage, their ship is damaged in a hurricane, her mast broken. Coming upon the wrecks of other ships, they find a mast that they can use to replace their broken one. As the two crewmembers begin salvaging the map, Lowell and Wagner explore other wrecks, where Lowell comes upon an old map which supposedly leads to ruins in the jungle which contain a precious emerald.