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His Picture in the Papers est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Erich von Stroheim avec Douglas Fairbanks

His Picture in the Papers (1916)

His Picture in the Papers
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Durée 1h2
Réalisé par ,    ,    
Genres Comédie
Note58% 2.941792.941792.941792.941792.94179

His Picture in the Papers (1916) is an American silent comedy film written and directed by John Emerson. Anita Loos also wrote the film's scenario. The film stars Douglas Fairbanks and Loretta Blake and features Eric von Stroheim in a minor role.


Pete Prindle, son of Proteus, a vegetarian health food manufacturer wishes to marry Christine Cadwalader. She agrees. However, Proteus considers his son lazy, with no contributions to the company and therefore undeserving of his father's wealth. His daughters have their pictures in the newspaper of them promoting the company products. Cassius refuses to consent to his daughter's hand since he believes Pete to be lazy as well, with no real stake in his father's company. Pete tries hard to get in the newspaper: He fakes a car accident, which gets an insignificant mention in the paper. He wins a boxing match, which turns out to be an illegally run ring which ends up being raided by police.


Douglas Fairbanks

(Pete Prindle)
Erich von Stroheim

(One of the Weazels (uncredited))
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