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Fred, I think you and I got off the wrong foot. You said some things, I flooded some things. Let's start over, okay? People are the best people of all the people in the world
Fred O'Hare
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[after Fred talks to a Chinese Woman] What'd she say, was it about me?
Fred O'Hare:
[In Chinese; subtitled] She thinks Easter is cool. Talking rabbits freaks her out.
E.B: You speak Chinese? And to think I couldn't like you any more.
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Fred: Okay, if this job interview is so important to you, I'll swing by.
Sam O'Hare: No, Fred. You don't swing by. You shower, you shave, and you show up. The 3 Sh's!
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Voice at Playboy Manison:
[through an intercom] Listen, this is the Playboy Mansion, not a hotel.
[looking into a map] Yeah, right. I know, but it says here that ever "Since 1971 the Playboy Mansion has been home to many sexy bunnies."
Voice at Playboy Mansion: I can't even see you. Step closer.
[stepping closer, face still in the map] I'm just saying, I am a bunny and incredibly sexy.
Voice at Playboy Mansion: I don't have time for this.
[clicks intercom off]
E.B.: Hello? Hello? Ugh, this must the rags part of my rags-to-riches story.
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E.B.: Fred, I've just had an idea. When I'm a famous rock star, I'm going to buy a mansion just like this, and make you sleep in the garage in a topsy-turvy switcheroo. What do you think?
Fred: Oh, man. My sister's here!
E.B.: You never told me you had a sister. There's still so much we don't Know about each other, Fred.
Fred: Oh, man. If she goes upstairs, I'm dead.
E.B.: Why?
Fred: Why? Let me take you back to this morning when you flooded the bathroom and you trashed the bedroom, remember that?
E.B.: Fred, leave this to me. I'll smooth it out with her. Ow! Hey.
Fred: Look at me. One word out of you, and it's rabbit season. You got it? Okay, I'm going to run interference. I need you to sneak upstairs and clean up, quietly.
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E.B.: Fred, mate! I'll behave. I'll clean up this mess. I'll do the dishes!
Fred: Not your problem. There's no dishes in the wild.
E.B.: No, Fred. But... I'm special!
Fred: Nope. We're all special.
The O'Hare Family