Hot Tamale is a 2006 comedy-drama film directed by Michael Damian, co-written by Janeen Damian. It stars Randy Spelling, Diora Baird and Carmen Electra. The film opened on April 23, 2006, and the DVD was released on August 29, 2006. The film is Michael Damian's feature film directorial debut.Synopsis
Harlan Woodruff (Randy Spelling) is a Salsa musician from Wyoming, on a road trip to Los Angeles to realise his dream of making it big as a percussionist. It is revealed that Harlan had a troubled childhood, having found his dead father frozen in a fishing hole. En route to Los Angeles, he runs into Jude, a career criminal on the run from two hit men, Al and Dwayne, who want to retrieve stolen merchandise from him. Desperate, Jude dumps the merchandise into Harlans bag and escapes.