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I Am A Thief est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Robert Florey avec Mary Astor

I Am A Thief (1934)

I Am A Thief
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Durée 1h4
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Policier
Themes Transport,    Le train
Note61% 3.096783.096783.096783.096783.09678

I Am a Thief is a 1934 American crime-drama film directed by Robert Florey.


Ricardo Cortez plays a jewel dealer who hopes to provoke, and catch, an international jewel thief, so he transports the famous Karenina diamonds from Paris across Europe to Istanbul on the Orient Express, along with a trainload of suspicious characters.


Mary Astor

(Odette Mauclair)
Ricardo Cortez

(Pierre Londais)
Dudley Digges

(Col. Jackson)
Robert Barrat

(Baron Otto Von Kampf)
Irving Pichel

(Count Carlo Trentini)
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