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It All Came True est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Lewis Seiler avec Ann Sheridan

It All Came True (1940)

It All Came True
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Durée 1h37
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Comédie,    Musical,    Policier,    Romance
Note65% 3.294823.294823.294823.294823.29482

It All Came True is a 1940 criminal musical comedy film. starring Ann Sheridan as a fledgling singer and third-billed Humphrey Bogart as a gangster who hides from the police in a boarding house. Sheridan introduced the hit song "Angel in Disguise".


Aspiring songwriter Tommy Taylor (Jeffrey Lynn) pins his hopes on the promises of his employer, gambler and gangster "Chips" Maguire (Bogart). However, Chips uses the gun he had registered under Tommy's name to kill Monks (Herb Vigran) when he betrays Chips to the police. It turns out Chips had Tommy carry the gun for just such a situation, to provide him with a fall guy. Needing a place to hide out, Chips blackmails Tommy into taking him to the boarding house owned by his mother, Nora Taylor (Jessie Busley), and her longtime friend, Maggie Ryan (Una O'Connor), by threatening to turn the gun over to the police.


Ann Sheridan

(Sarah Jane Ryan)
Jeffrey Lynn

(Tommy Taylor)
Humphrey Bogart

(Grasselli ("Chips Maguire"))
Una O'Connor

(Maggie Ryan)
Zasu Pitts

(Miss Flint)
Bande annonce de It All Came True

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Source : Wikidata


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