Jigyaasa, released on 10 March 2006, was directed by Faisal Saif. It was called the year's most controversial feature film, and was rumored to be based on the life of Indian sex goddess Mallika Sherawat. This film marked a big change in Hrishitaa Bhatt's career, as it was her first titular role. Though Indian critics did not appreciate the film, it commanded a decent share at the box office.
Small time Marathi actress Teja Deokar played Hrishitaa Bhatt's part in the recent unofficial remake in Marathi titled Nati which means Actress.Synopsis
Based on actual events, the film tells the story of an innocent girl named Jigyaasa Mathur (Hrishitaa Bhatt) who comes from a middle-class family, the daughter of a schoolteacher named Malini Mathur (Varsha Usgaonkar). Malini is a woman with principles and emotions. Jigyaasa wants to become a film actress and her mother has no objections about it. But Jigyaasa has some other plans. Jigyaasa will go to any limits to reach her goal. Within a timespan of five years, Jigyaasa reaches the top and becomes India's highest paid superstar.