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Jimmy Boy est un film Britannique réalisé par John Baxter avec Guy Middleton

Jimmy Boy (1935)

Jimmy Boy
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Durée 1h11
Réalisé par

Jimmy Boy is a 1935 British comedy film directed by John Baxter and starring Jimmy O'Dea, Guy Middleton and Enid Stamp-Taylor. It was made at Cricklewood Studios.


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Suggestions de films similaires à Jimmy Boy

Il y a 54 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 31 films avec le même réalisateur, pour avoir au final 70 suggestions de films similaires.

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Three boys join an old traveller on his journey through Southern England, eventually helping to expose and capture some smugglers.
Say It with Flowers, 1h11
Réalisé par John Baxter
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Musical
Thèmes Musique
Acteurs Mary Clare, George Carney, Mark Daly, Edgar Driver, Roddy Hughes, Harry Terry
Note61% 3.088853.088853.088853.088853.08885
The film is set in a street market in the Old Kent Road. One of the stallholders, Kate, is a flower seller who many of the leading music hall stars buy their flowers from. When Kate falls ill and visits the Doctor she is prescribed a stay at the seaside to restore her health. However, she is too ill to work to pay for her visit. Her fellow stallholders rally round, and secretly organise a concert at a nearby pub to help raise the money. They approach all the great musical hall performers (many from the golden era of musical hall) who have used her stall over the years. The concert is successfully staged and Kate is able to head to the seaside.
Talking Feet
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Hazel, the daughter of an East London fishmonger, is on her way to the rehearsal of a pantomime when her dog Patch is injured in a street accident. At a local hospital Dr Hood (John Stuart) manages to save Patch's life. When Hazel discovers that Dr Hood's hospital may have to close, she helps the local community to raise funds to save it. Mr Shirley (Davy Burnaby), the manager of a local theatre, is persuaded to allow his venue to be used for a fund-raising event. Hazel brings together a group of talented locals to create an exciting evening of entertainment. The fund-raising effort is a success, and so Dr Hood's hospital is saved.
The Song of the Road, 1h11
Réalisé par John Baxter
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame
Acteurs Ernest Butcher, Muriel George, Davy Burnaby, Tod Slaughter, John Turnbull, Edgar Driver
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Crook's Tour, 1h20
Réalisé par John Baxter
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Basil Radford, Naunton Wayne, Greta Gynt, Abraham Sofaer, Gordon McLeod, Noel Hood
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Suite non officielle du film d'Alfred Hitchcock de 1938 "Une femme disparaît" (' The Lady Vanishes') : Charters (Basil Radford) et Caldicott (Naunton Wayne) effectuent une tournée au Moyen-Orient. Après avoir visité l’Arabie saoudite, ils se retrouvent à Bagdad, où un groupe d’espions allemands les confondent avec les messagers qui porteront un disque de la chanson de la belle chanteuse La Palermo (Greta Gynt) qui contient des instructions secrètes des services de renseignement allemands. Réalisant leur erreur, les espions allemands suivent Charters et Caldicott à Istanbul et à Budapest, en essayant de les éliminer et de récupérer le disque.
Love on the Dole, 1h34
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Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame
Acteurs Deborah Kerr, Clifford Evans, George Carney, Mary Merrall, Joyce Howard, Frank Cellier
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The film is set in Hanky Park, a fictional settlement based on Salford, at the height of the Great Depression.