Just My Luck is a 1933 British comedy film directed by Jack Raymond and starring Ralph Lynn, Winifred Shotter, Davy Burnaby and Robertson Hare. The screenplay was written by Ben Travers based on a 1932 Aldwych farce by H.F. Maltby, Fifty-Fifty, adapted from a French play by Louis Verneuil and Georges Berr.
, 1h30 Réalisé parTom Walls OrigineRoyaume-uni GenresComédie ThèmesThéâtre, Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre ActeursWinifred Shotter, Tom Walls, Margot Grahame Note63% Rhoda Marley seeks refuge overnight from a tyrannical stepfather in the house of Peter Popkiss. He is alone there, as his wife is away; fearing a scandal he attempts to conceal Rhoda's presence from nosy domestic staff and his in-laws, with the help of his cousin Clive. Eventually all is explained, Peter and his wife are reconciled, and Clive pairs off with Rhoda.
, 1h11 Réalisé parJohn Baxter OrigineRoyaume-uni GenresDrame ActeursErnest Butcher, Muriel George, Davy Burnaby, Tod Slaughter, John Turnbull, Edgar Driver Note64% After the Local council he works for decides to replace its horse-drawn services with motor vehicles, one of the drivers spends his savings to buy the horse. Together they search the countryside looking for work, and meeting an assorted group of characters on the way.
, 1h20 Réalisé parWilliam Beaudine OrigineRoyaume-uni GenresComédie ThèmesLe thème de l'éducation ActeursWill Hay, Gordon Harker, Jimmy Hanley, Davy Burnaby, Norma Varden, Claude Dampier Note64% Alec Smart, who is engaged teaching in a prison, applies for the job of headmaster at a nearby public school to replace the previous headmaster who has been convicted of writing forged cheques and has just been sent to prison. Smart appeals to the Governor to write him a good reference which he pretends to. Afterwards he writes his real recommendation which is very negative about Smart's talents. The trustee who works as the Governor's secretary, Faker Brown, "accidentally" gets the two letters mixed up and delivers the one praising Smart. On the basis of the letter, Lady Dorking, the who runs the Board of Governors appoints Smart to the job. This angers her deputy, Colonel Crableigh, who had favoured promoting his nephew, the Deputy head.