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Karanlik dünya est un film réalisé par Metin Erksan

Karanlik dünya (1953)

Karanlik dünya
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Durée 1h
Réalisé par
Note68% 3.4058153.4058153.4058153.4058153.405815

The Dark World (Turkish: Karanlık Dünya), also known as Aşık Veysel'ın Hayatı, is a 1953 Turkish biographical drama film directed by Metin Erksan, and written by Bedri Rahmi Eyuboglu. It stars Asik Veysel, Ayfer Feray, and Kemal Öz.

Erksan's debut film, it is described as being "a realistic account of the life of the bard Veysel, shot in his native village". The film was censored due to the showing of the meagre growth of crops in Anatolia.
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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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